Hunted by Billionaires Box Set Read online

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  “Oh really?” I ask, turning towards his tempting cock. “And what solution is that?”

  I reach out and run my fingers over him gently.

  I don’t see Frank and William edge closer to me from the back. I don’t see them shake hands and smile at each other in agreement. Neither do I see how each has placed himself over and under my body.

  I don’t see it, but fuck do I feel it.

  William’s oh so gentle hands grab me by my waist and flip me over onto him such that I am facing him and displaying my butt in the air.

  Frank’s muscular legs and large cock line up and around my ass cheeks, his hands on the small of my back, ready.

  Nathan stays where I can see him, where I can see it, hovering over my face.

  “Which agreement is this, she asks, my fellow gents?” queries a hard Nathan at my mouth.

  “To share you, Stephanie,” replies William, cock at the tip of my pussy.

  “All. At. Once,” growls a hungry Frank, his cock at the entrance of my virgin ass. “and for the rest of your life.”

  And they do it.

  My body is in shock at the raw and uncultured feeling running through my veins, through my pussy and ass. My mouth is full and wet, dripping from a thirsty Nathan fucking me deeper than I thought my throat would go.

  William pounds the shit out of my pussy, his hands squeezing the life out of my breasts and his mouth and tongue working all around my nipples. Frank…

  Frank is rubbing spit in my ass hole as lube and then Frank is in my ass. And someone is in my pussy. And someone else is in my mouth.

  The world no longer has meaning to what I feel. Three cocks all loving me, all showing me the full extent of their prowess, and I get to do nothing but suck, clamp and enjoy.

  William and Frank rub together through the thin walls of my pussy, and just having that friction, dick and dick in the same flow and… tandem and… fuck, the energy and depth...mmh…

  “Mmmhmm,” I murmur.

  Nathan has his hands on my cheeks and in my hair, rubbing, soothing, and his mind in the throes of the ecstasy my mouth-sucking gives him. I can already taste his cum down my throat.

  Three muscular bodies grind into mine, lost in the frenzy of hot flesh while we purr sweet intangible nothings into our souls. It feels animated the way we fuck, as though the energies we share could be from another lust-and-cum-filled alternate reality.

  “Ah,” moans Frank. “You are a fucking slut for us, Stephanie.”

  “A beautiful whore,” echoes William under me.

  “An astonishing piece of meat for our cocks to dig into,” rambles Nathan. “And in actual fact, we all want to do this over and over and over and over again till you cum with three hard cocks inside you.”

  That… that right there. That hits the internal spots.

  My ass quivers, and my legs shake. Naturally, I clamp hard on anything within me, including my mouth. I am cumming and cumming.

  And so are they.

  My pussy flows heavily with juice from within as a load of cum fills me up from the two cocks embedded deeply inside my ass and pussy.

  “Stephanie!” They all call out at once as we share in the moment and bond.

  I feel their seed deep inside me. Nathan’s cum flies right past my tongue and down my throat. The feeling of cum dripping down, dripping out, and dripping in electrifies me once more, and I shudder at the thought of them owning me like their slut. Their whore. Their piece of meat. The one woman they can never forget, not in a dozen lifetimes.

  Nathan takes his cock out of my mouth. William and Frank slip out too. I feel cold with their bodies gone, and they see that. All at once I am in the middle of the three men who just took my world apart and mended it in their own way. I wrap my arms around them and feel… at home.

  “I have always been a player, but I want to change my ways for you,” William admits.

  “Me too,” Frank says. “I have all I need, right here with you.”

  “I never knew such an innocent, virginal girl could turn into such a wild child for me,” Nathan adds. “There is something about it that has me hooked, and I never want to give it up.”

  I look over and realize that Mia is still standing near the golden columns of the mansion.

  “Everything okay?” she shouts out, after I wave to her.

  “More than okay!” I tell her.

  She winks at me and says, “I’ll leave your money in the mailbox just outside the front door. Glad to have arranged another successful treasure hunt.”

  I wonder what her story is as she smiles and leaves. I know that my story is one of someone who never has to go to church with her parents again, to witness their fake happy marriage act and then go home to their huge fights and emotional torture.

  “A successful Hunt, indeed,” Frank says.

  “I definitely found the treasure I was looking for, and more,” Nathan adds.

  “So much so, that we never have to hunt again,” William says.

  They look at me to confirm, but first I just give them a nod and a smile. I’m tired and I’m satisfied and I want to bask in the affection of three hot, handsome billionaires who want to share me and keep me as their treasure, always.

  “Now this is how you spend a Sunday afternoon!” I finally remark, sleepily. “You guys say this is your best Hunt ever. Well, now this is my best Sunday ever!”



  I have had many women in my life. Women who flew from across the world just to fuck the brains out of me. None of them compare to Stephanie.

  I am the closest to her right now, on the grass, feeling her reddening ass warm up close to my cock. Frank has her head in his lap, watching her face, stroking her hair. Nathan is above us all, pinching at her nipples.

  I place my cock gently into her ass and keep on stroking.

  “Can we go out after this? Maybe get dinner?” I ask, watching her quiver and moan as Frank kisses her on the mouth.

  Her arm is raised and leaning back to caress my face as I fuck her.

  “Mmmhmm,” she moans.

  I stroke her hips and hold on tight as I let out the last of everything that is in my balls into her tight little asshole.

  “Fuck, I love you, Stephanie,” I whisper, a touch louder than I should.

  There is laughter around me. I look over at Nathan and Frank, and finally at Stephanie, in wonder and slight embarrassment, which fades after an assurance.

  Her eyes are full of love and fixed on me.

  But I’m not embarrassed. I’m glad I said it.

  “I love you too, William.”

  “I think we all are in love with Stephanie,” Frank adds.

  Nathan nods, agreeing.

  Apparently they’re not embarrassed, either.

  I shift away from her and get to my knees.

  “Then there is just one thing left to do.”

  I take her hand in mine, helping her rise to a sitting position.

  She looks up at me with a questioning look in her eyes.

  “You should marry us,” I tell her. “Be a wife to all three of us.”

  Stephanie gasps, putting a hand up to her chest.

  She looks around, meeting the eyes of each of us.

  “Are you sure?” she whispers. “You would share me as a wife?”

  Frank takes her other hand and Nathan sits behind her so that she can lean against him.

  “You are so unique,” Frank starts, “no other woman can compare. If you would let me have you in my life, as my wife, is to share you, then I will gladly do that.”

  He leans down and kisses her hand.

  “Agreed,” Nathan tells her, and kisses her on the top of the head.

  She looks at each of us again, her mouth slightly open.

  We all nod and plant kisses on her.

  “In that case, I would love to be your wife,” she says. “I would love to be married to each of you. And I don’t care what my parents or church or anyo
ne else has to say. I’m going to live my life for me for once. And for you guys, too. Because I love being with you. I love you all.”

  A sigh of relief fills my lungs. It is a heavy assurance, one that comes with a future already defined. I’m glad that the Hunt wasn’t a mere game for Stephanie like it used to be for me. But I no longer need to hunt; I have found my treasure and apparently so have my two friends.

  I’m so glad she agreed to be with all of us forever so that we can stop fighting over her. Three alpha males like us are determined to get our own way. And this is the only way we can all get our way with her, together.

  I have to admit I even like the plan. I’m excited for what our combined future holds.

  The three of us will have late nights.

  Long nights.

  Deep nights.

  All three of us inside of her, loving her.

  Making her scream our names.

  And her making us scream hers.

  Stephanie. William. Frank. Nathan.

  The four of us will be a team, forever, all because we found love in what started as a hunt for hot sex. It ended up being hot sex and a happily ever after for all of four of us.

  Nothing could be better.


  Thank you for reading.

  Hunting their Treasure

  A Virgin and Billionaires Reverse Harem Romance

  Copyright © 2019 by Ryan Ramsay; All Rights Reserved.

  Chapter One


  Some might find it ironic that I’m a virgin church girl who can’t stop fantasizing about having sex. But sex seems to be all that’s on my mind these days. I want to be taken by an experienced, older man who knows how to please me. A girl can dream, right?

  And when it comes to church, I can’t say I’m a huge fan of going every Sunday. If it was just me, that would be one thing.

  I like the music, the uplifting message (although I’m not big on the fire and brimstone sermons Pastor Jeff can occasionally go into) and the comfort of knowing believers are all gathered together. Although some of them are obviously more hypocritical than others.

  Take my sister Amy, for example. Everyone thinks she’s some angel and I’m some devil, but she puts on a big fake show and I’m more honest about things. So, I don’t like having to go with her every Sunday, but it’s what we have always done, so here I am at the weekly service, like always.

  My face is all washed up and my summer tan is starting to fade during this September season. My dress, as startling as it is beautiful, at least according to me, itches in all the wrong places, though.

  When Grandma makes you nice dresses (along with an assortment of scarves, sweaters and underwear), you ask no questions. Especially when Grandma stepped up to raise you and you know it would break her heart if you were to tell her that you’ll keep the dresses but skip the underwear for something less itchy!

  I look around carefully as I walk up to the church’s entrance. No one’s watching. I quickly sneak a scratch off my innermost thigh. Ah. Sweet relief.

  Everyone seems to be here. Most of this congregation would dare not miss a sermon, because then the rest of the members would gossip about them and wonder why they didn’t show up.

  They’d probably even make up speculative stories that quickly get turned into “fact.” It’s one of the downsides of going to church all the time — everyone knows everyone’s business and they sure do like to talk about it, too.

  I see that Amy is already over talking to some of her friends. Amy. Ah, Amy. My beautiful, two-faced sister Amy.

  She is the main reason I’m here at church, anyway. Ever since mom and dad died in a strange train track accident and Grandma took custody of us, she really put on a whole show of following after them in their faith, but she ended up taking it to a whole new level.

  It started small, with Bible studies and testimonial sleepovers, whatever that means. I was always secluded from these activities as I found them boring beyond comparison. Boring and funny.

  There was always a boy who planned on kissing Amy during one of their meets, and she always held his hand in the dark as if ready to commit. Through my bedroom wall, which is as thin as Amy’s sense of consideration, I heard her loudly accuse him of sinning to the rest of the group. Man, did they pray that night.

  Meanwhile, once I had had my first kiss – which is about as far as I’ve gotten, considering that I’m still a virgin – she was sure to go rat me out to our grandmother once she heard about it through the grapevine at school. I was quickly branded the sinner compared to Amy the Saint.

  Ever since that day, I always kept wary of her. Even now as I sit here, alone, quiet and mind-buzzed with possibilities of better activities I could be having, I cannot fathom having any kind of decent relationship with my sister.

  I think I must be the only one who feels that way, since Amy has lots of friends. And I’m always sitting here alone, like I am right now.

  I’m no introvert. I like a good conversation more than the next girl. But… one could say I’m shy.

  Shy may be a strong word. I find myself more inclined to spend time with myself instead of trying – and usually failing, miserably and awkwardly – to talk to other people.

  Okay. Fuck. I’m an introvert.

  I could blame it on the fact that Amy befriends almost all the girls our age at church and I don’t like hanging out with her. But it’s really no different at school or anywhere else, really.

  I suppose it all started with that boy I had my first kiss with. He was from Home Ec Class, Andrew McGuiness. The little prick made a whole deal of how I let him kiss him. At lunch. In the cafeteria. Right before Spring Break.

  Fucking Andrew McGuiness. It turns out he was just trying to get into my sister’s good graces by acting like I was such a whore.

  Amy talked to me later about the importance of keeping my virginity. Insert major eye roll here!

  I don’t know why she feels compelled to try to talk to me about my sex life. But it must work, because I’ve been too scared to try anything with any other guy after the embarrassing Andrew incident.

  Even just last night, Amy tried to have a sit down with me, with it being my birthday and all. She made a big deal out of the fact that my life will be so much different now than I’m eighteen.

  I remember it as if it were… hmm. Yesterday. Because it was.

  “Boys will always be boys,” she said, with her soft, delicate hand on mine. She smelled like hot chocolate, which is about as adventurous as she gets when it comes to drinks, or food, for that matter. “Do you understand what that means?”

  “That they will always be disappointing bags of depression and discomfort?” I asked, fakely bright-eyed and ready to impress her by parroting her own words back to her so that she would leave me alone about it.

  “That’s my girl.”

  I mean, I know what boys can do. I’m not stupid. But I have to humor Amy, who has always thought of herself as my mother since ours passed away.

  That was last night, though. Where was I now? Oh, yeah. The alone part. Amy made it known that I needed to consider having a friend. Someone to discuss my personal life with, since she could sense I didn’t like hanging out with her. (You don’t say!)

  “And Grandma does not count,” she said.

  “But she does, in my world,” I whispered.

  See, growing up, I never had anyone to really talk to. Actually, it was more like I never had anything to talk to anyone about. I mean, life was disinteresting at best, and Amy was the one with all the friends.

  It was always just me, my large collection of books, and Grandma. And Amy.

  I suppose that, as much as I hate to admit it, Amy might have a point. And that in this rather large congregation, a friend or two could be made.

  I’ve been thinking of making it a point to befriend another girl around my same age here at church: Stephanie. She seems shy and nerdy like me, and has strict parents she appears to try hard to t

  Best of all, she’s not Amy’s friend. One of them knows enough to leave the other alone, so I’m thinking it could mean she’s my perfect type of friend to have.

  Looking around, I don’t spot Stephanie today, though, which is weird, since she’s always here, every week. I do, however, see Mia, the church’s event planner.

  Woo boy: let me not even dive into Mia right now. In my mind, I focus on Stephanie first.

  Stephanie is the kind of girl I think would make an epic kindred spirit. She is always quiet and has a sense of bravery that seems to be flowing through her just as naturally as her thick, dark hair does.

  I swear she reminds me of a beautiful blend between Pocahontas and Mulan. I always feel like I can relate to her for some reason. But the strange thing is that I’ve never had the courage to bring up the matter of friendship.

  But who am I to judge myself? Maybe she should approach me. I always tell myself I don’t want to look needy.

  Okay. Enough trying to psychoanalyze my weird personality. It’s Mia time.

  She’s also kind of close to me in age – three years older – but she’s as different from me as two people could ever be.

  Ever seen that Energizer bunny commercial with the pink bunny on batteries and an almost-high and drug-induced feel to it? Meet Mia, the human personification of it.